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Available Models

Please Note: We encourage you to send us a message to discuss currently available models. While we strive to keep this list updated, our vendors’ inventories vary regularly.

(903) 647 0458

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What To Expect

  1. Select a Make & Model
  2. We verify availablity of all components with our vendors
  3. Discuss a wish list of your customizations
  4. Work Orders go out for your approval
  5. Initial Payments and Parts Ordering
  6. Construction Begins
  7. Relax and enjoy the periodic photo updates as we proceed through each phase of the build process


With payment in full, the build process is significantly accelerated. We do allow for payments for each phase of construction, however parts ordering phases become the longest factor to your wait time when we build incrementally. A long-term budget-friendly incremental build may take greater than a year.

Why we have to verify availability

Many factors effect the availability of parts, with the recent auto workers strike being just an example.

Feel free to inquire about models not on our list as well and we’ll do our best to source it for you and our future customers.


Prices start at $200,000 USD for one-off builds. Bulk pricing is available, and we also offer budget-friendly progress based payments. Factors such as leather vs fabric upholstery, electroluminescent or other novel paint options, and expediting development effect overall cost. 

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